The world of manga and anime mourns the loss of a legendary figure, Akira Toriyama, the visionary behind the global phenomenon ‘Dragon Ball’ and ‘Dr. Slump.’ Toriyama passed away on March 1 due to an acute subdural hemorrhage at the age of 68. Since its inception in Shonen Jump magazine in 1984, ‘Dragon Ball’ has captivated audiences worldwide, expanding into anime, movies, TV series, video games, and a vast array of merchandise. Despite Toriyama’s passing, his legacy continues with the forthcoming release of ‘Dragon Ball Daima’ later this year, signifying the enduring strength of the franchise.
Toriyama’s creative genius also extended to the iconic characters of the Dragon Quest video games by Square Enix Holdings, further cementing his influence in the realm of Japanese pop culture. His impact on peers and fans alike is profound, as evidenced by the heartfelt tributes from fellow manga artists. Masashi Kishimoto, known for ‘Naruto,’ shared a poignant message on the Shonen Jump website, reflecting on how ‘Dragon Ball’ served as a beacon of hope and inspiration throughout his childhood. Eiichiro Oda, the mind behind ‘One Piece,’ praised Toriyama for revolutionizing the manga industry, highlighting his role in making manga a respected art form across generations and borders.
Akira Toriyama’s departure leaves a void in the hearts of many, but his contributions to the world of manga and anime will continue to inspire and entertain for generations to come.